CEO Ventures

Accelerating Business.


A strong track record of driving exceptional results.

CEO Ventures focuses on providing strategic business development for partner companies, driving operational excellence with the goal of delivering exceptional results to all stakeholders. For more than 10 years CEO Ventures has been creating value for companies across a range of industries including manufacturing, industrial, retail and hospitality.

CEO’s approach includes bringing a disciplined focus to the businesses we operate or partner with, ensuring highly engaged teams drive both innovation as well as daily continuous improvement to meet customers needs in the most profitable manner.

Craig Priddle is the President of CEO Ventures and has a long track record of business success. Craig and his teams have lead a $250 million dollar manufacturing company through a turnaround that resulted in multiple years of record safety performance, record employee engagement and record profitability – 30% return on invested capital. In addition, Craig and his teams have taken on start ups, business development opportunities and acquisitions.


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11420 142 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T5M 1V1


Areas of Expertise

Operational Excellence

With an ever more global marketplace leading to increased competition and technology driving change at an increasing rate, how do you keep up let alone win? Does your leadership team identify 15 or more “priorities” every year and then fail to deliver on the vast majority of the related projects? CEO Ventures can help you define and implement a program of operational excellence within your organization. We bring discipline and focus to your leadership team, ensuring you set an optimal strategic direction and then consistently execute on your priorities. 


CEO Ventures has extensive experience deploying LEAN in both production and office environments. LEAN includes an incredible set of tools to identify and eliminate waste in any operating environment. A truly successful LEAN implementation engages your entire team in daily continuous improvement - leading to world class results. Let us show you how.


Every organization has a culture. Does your company have the right culture? World class companies have amazing cultures by design. CEO Ventures has developed a rigorous process to design and build intentionally exceptional cultures. The right culture provides the foundation for sustainable operational excellence, allowing you to attract, retain and align the strongest talent, develop consistent customer focused behaviours and then continuously improve your operation with exceptionally engaged teams.


CEO Ventures has helped many companies maximize stakeholder value by driving successful business development. Start-ups, scale-ups, acquisitions, new geographies or new products: CEO can work with you to develop a strategic growth plan that ensures you not only achieve your growth targets but that you do so with maximum safety, employee engagement and profitability.




Let's Chat.

Are you looking to expand your business? Have a new business venture in mind?
Drop us a line.